우리는 한국어로 번역이 응용 프로그램을 받고 직장에서 어렵다. 계속 지켜봐 주시기 바랍니다!



Distances, weights, even currencies too, Converteyo takes care of all the units you use to get through your day.

The perfect pocket reference app, keep it handy next time you’re reading Grandma’s chocolate cake recipe, measuring that couch stuck in your doorway, or making a budget for your next big trip. Even use it to help finish up your physics homework!

Handling over a dozen kinds of units, it’s your virtual measuring cup, banker and yardstick all rolled into one. And for those conversions you keep coming back to, you can create Quickeyos, quick converters that make doing your calculations a breeze.

Converteyo is optimized for iOS 13 and the iPhone X, and is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Italian, Russian, Japanese and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional).